Everyone is waiting for Mahakumbh in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. Devotees are already collecting information about trains and other important things to reach the Maha Kumbh Mela to be held from January 13. This time Dome City will be the center of attraction in Mahakumbh. A dome city with 44 rooms is being developed on two and a half hectares in Tent City Aral. This will cost Rs 51 crore. Devotees will get the pleasure of hill station from this Dome City. Actually, it is being made from transparent polycarbonate sheet at a height of eight meters from the ground, which will provide a 360 degree view of Mahakumbh.
The company making Dome City claims that the domes will be completely bullet and fire proof. They are being designed in such a way that you will be able to see the entire Kumbh while staying inside your dome. Four cottages are also being built in the lower part of the dome. Where everything from AC, geyser to satvik food will also be available.
How will the booking be done?
EvoLife has tied up with travel websites like Make My Trip for booking Dome City. That means you can book Dome City through the official website of Evo Life Space or the official website of Make My Trip. For bathing dates, devotees will have to compulsorily book for at least three nights. That is, if you are going to participate in the bath to be held on 13th and 14th, then you will have to make booking from 12th January to 14th January. Similarly, for the bath of 29th January, booking will be done from 28th to 30th January. However, Evo Life Space says that such a condition was there earlier, now it has been removed.
How much will the fare be?
On booking the Dome for three nights on the site of Evo Life Space, two people will have to pay Rs 3,57,540. If you book a cottage for three nights, you will have to pay Rs 1,20,714. You can get lower fare on Make My Trip. The dome rent here for three nights is Rs 2,60,884, similarly on booking a cottage you will have to pay Rs 1,02,601. Booking a suite cottage will cost you Rs 1,86,678.
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