Hitler Jalebi… as the name is as strong, for 45 years people are crazy about the taste, songs have been made on it

Kamal Pimoli / Srinagar Garhwal. The tougher Hitler was, the tougher his jalebis are. In Srinagar Garhwal, if you want to enjoy Indian flavored desi jalebi and samosas, then come to Hitler Sweet Shop. Here the taste of Hitler’s Jalebi is so much in the mouth of the people that in the evening, a crowd of people starts gathering here. At the same time, even in the morning and throughout the day, the villagers coming from the village and far away also do not forget to taste the jalebis here.

Chaudhary Balwant Singh, director of Hitler Sweet Shop, says that his shop has been operating since 1978 in Srinagar Garhwal. It is said that since then he is doing the business of Jalebi and Samosa in Srinagar Garhwal. Chaudhary Balwant Singh says that when he opened the shop in Srinagar Garhwal, during that time only a few people used to operate shops here, but now with the changing times many hotels have opened. But it is their endeavor that even today they do not make any kind of compromise with their quality. This is the reason that even today there is no decrease in their customers. Balwant Singh says that he takes special care of cleanliness at the shop. At the same time, they prepare the material for Jalebi and Samosa in front of their eyes. He does not like any kind of compromise with the quality. This is the reason that he gets all the dishes prepared in the shop under his own supervision.

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songs made on jalebi

How popular Hitler’s jalebi is can be gauged from the fact that some singers have also composed songs on his jalebi. Along with this, Hitler’s Jalebi is very famous even today from rural areas to Srinagar and surrounding areas. Balwant Singh says that he also sells sweets and ghevar during festivals, but his main business is Jalebi and Samosa. He wants to continue this work even further, so he also makes his son sit at the shop. Chaudhary Balwant Singh says that he also receives orders for Jalebi and Samosa for wedding ceremonies or other cultural events. If you also want to taste Hitler’s jalebis, then you can reach Hitler Sweet Shop in Ganesh Bazar, Srinagar Garhwal, the crowd starts as soon as it is ready.

Tags: food, Lifestyle, Local18, Pauri Garhwal News, Uttarakhand

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