home remedies for dark lips skin care routine follow these special treatment

Darkening of lips is a common problem. It can happen due to many reasons. Such as smoking, dehydration, harmful rays of the sun and not keeping the lips clean. Talking about its remedy, it is not possible to completely lighten dark lips overnight, but with these home remedies you can see some changes.

Tips to make your lips pink

You can try some tips to make your lips pink. For example, you can prepare a scrub of honey, sugar and cinnamon at home. To prepare the scrub, you have to mix half a teaspoon of sugar and half a teaspoon of cinnamon in one teaspoon of honey. Apply this scrub on your lips for 15 minutes and massage, then wash it with cold water.

Almond oil

Apart from this, you can also apply almond oil on your lips. This will make your lips look pink in a few days and the blackness will go away. Not only this, rose water is also considered very beneficial for lips. In such a situation, you can apply rose water on your lips every night before sleeping. The next morning, wash your face with clean water and clean your lips thoroughly.

use glycerin

Not only this, you can also use glycerin. This is also considered very beneficial for the lips. It soothes the lips and helps in moisturizing them. If you want, you can mix rose water and glycerin in equal amounts and apply it on your lips.

Use of beetroot juice

If you want to remove the blackness of your lips and make them pink, then you can use beetroot juice. This is a natural recipe, which will help a lot in making your lips pink. To remove dead skin from the lips, wash your lips daily with clean water, wipe the water with the help of a cotton ball and use lip balm. With this, your lips will gradually start becoming pink and the dead skin will start coming out.

Use sunscreen and lip balm

Apart from this, whenever you go out in the sun, apply sunscreen or lip balm on your lips. So that your lips can be saved from harmful rays. If you smoke or consume alcohol, then stop doing so from today. Because smoking and alcohol are considered to be the biggest reason for making lips black. If you are very troubled by these black lips, then you can consult a good doctor.

Also read: Hair Care Tips: Use this oil in addition to coconut oil to strengthen hair, the effect will be visible in a few days

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