Home Remedies To Prevent Corona Omicron Bf.7 How Much Kadha Is Too Much In A Day

How To Prevent BF.7 Virus: corona virus Today’s generation cannot forget the devastation caused by the second wave. The data available in the internet and videos will continue to give an idea of ​​its horrific effect to the coming generations as well. To avoid the disaster caused by Corona at its level, many measures were taken in our country, which also benefited us. Our country is the birthplace of Ayurveda and we are the people who adopt home remedies before medicines. We can say that home remedies are the undeclared wealth of our country, which is settled in every household.

However, during the second wave of Corona, one mistake that most people made was the excessive use of home remedies. Due to which many people started having digestive, intestinal and liver related problems and they needed long treatment. There is no doubt that home remedies are very effective and cure many diseases from the root. Along with this, they also protect against diseases caused by bacteria and viruses. But if they are used in the wrong way, then the health can also be spoiled. This time, during Kovid Prevention, you should not make any such mistake, for this some important information is being given here.

What problems happened during the second wave?

A large number of people had many health issues due to drinking too much decoction, consuming turmeric, using black pepper and cloves more, which came to the fore after the end of the second wave of Kovid. Because people did not use home remedies properly during the Corona wave. The main problems faced by these people are:

  • ulcers in the intestine
  • heartburn all the time
  • indigestion all the time
  • abdominal pain
  • trouble swallowing
  • liver problems
  • frequent urination

How to adopt home remedies?

To increase immunity and protect yourself from the new corona virus, which home remedy should you adopt, in what quantity and with which method, know here…

consumption of golden milk
Turmeric is widely used to increase immunity and to avoid viral, bacterial, fungal infections. You can increase your immunity by consuming turmeric milk i.e. golden milk, which will help in prevention from Kovid.

When and in what quantity to drink turmeric milk?

  • It is sufficient to use one teaspoon of turmeric in a day. If you want to use turmeric in more quantity than this, then definitely consult an Ayurvedic physician or dietician.
  • While taking turmeric milk, mix a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of milk and consume it.
  • Whenever you drink this milk in the morning or at night, keep a gap of at least two hours between eating food and milk.
  • Consuming this milk once a day is sufficient. If you want to drink turmeric milk twice a day, then use half a teaspoon of turmeric. You can use jaggery instead of sugar.
  • If you want to consume this milk even in the summer season, do not drink it more than once and use only half a teaspoon of turmeric. Because turmeric is very hot.

When and how to drink decoction?

  • Generally decoction should never be taken on an empty stomach. You can consume it one to one and a half hour after breakfast or dinner.
  • One should not drink more than a quarter cup i.e. 1/4 cup decoction at a time.
  • One person should not consume more than half a cup of decoction in a day against his own will. Do take doctor’s advice.
  • In order for the decoction to give you only benefits, it is important to know that the effect of the spices used in it is very hot. If you are already suffering from any disease or have any hidden health issue, then these problems can increase due to its excessive consumption.

consumption of Giloy

Giloy is a very effective Ayurvedic medicine. But excess of everything is bad. That’s why its decoction or juice should also be consumed in a quarter cup only. Rest, increase the quantity only after consulting your doctor.

consumption of dry fruits
There is no doubt that dry fruits increase immunity, keep the body warm and also maintain energy levels. But consuming them in excess can spoil the health.

Learn here the maximum amount of dry fruits an adult can eat in a day.

  • 4 walnuts
  • 20 to 30 almonds soaked in water
  • 4 dates
  • 2 to 3 saffron
  • a handful raisins
  • 10 to 15 raisins
  • If you consume any of these dry fruits regularly, then it is mandatory to consume milk along with it. If you do not drink milk, then definitely eat a bowl of curd in the afternoon. Along with this, one to two bananas and seasonal fruits like orange-apple must be eaten every day. This is because the heat does not increase in the body and the balance of Vata-Pitta-Kapha is maintained.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: Drink only 2 spoons of this juice every day… there will be no problem of cough and cold

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