Home Tips: The fish-like smell of the cooler is intoxicating, so home-made gadgets will come in handy, the air will also remain fresh.

In the summer season, most of the people give preference to cooler instead of AC to save electricity bills. This is the reason why coolers are often seen in every house. It cools the room by consuming less electricity and also provides instant relief from heat. Sometimes a very foul smell comes from the cooler, which resembles the smell of fish. Let us know what is its reason and how we can get rid of it.

Why does the cooler start smelling?
Often you might think that your Why does the cooler suddenly start smelling like fish? Actually, when the water in the cooler is not changed for several days, that water rots and bacteria start growing in it. Due to this, a very foul smell starts coming from the cooler, which smells like fish. You can get rid of this very easily.

First of all try this method.
To get rid of the bad smell of the cooler, first of all change its water. Before running the cooler, make sure to check whether its water has been changed or not. If the water is several days old then change it immediately. There will be no smell from the cooler.

The grass being dirty also causes problems
If the grass in the cooler has become very old and has started looking dirty, then its Due to this also the smell starts coming. Actually, this grass gets spoiled due to repeated wetting and drying, due to which bacteria start growing in it and due to them, bad smell is felt. In such a situation, before running the cooler, definitely change its grass. If the grass is not very old then keep it in strong sunlight for some time. This destroys the bacteria.

If there is no time to change the water and grass, this is also an option.
Many times it may happen that you need to fill the cooler at home. There is not enough water. Apart from this, there is no option of changing the grass if the smell is felt late at night. In such a situation, you can also control the bad smell with the help of fragrance. For this, put natural essentials in the cooler water, so that its fragrance will spread in the room and there will be no smell. If you do not have natural essentials then you can add a little detergent powder to the cooler water. With its help also the problem of bad smell goes away for some time.

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