Horoscope Today December 19 2023 Check Tarot Card Readings For Your Zodiac Prediction Libra Scorpio

Daily Tarot Card Rashifal 19 December 2023: Know today how your day will be from Tarot cards. Let us know today’s horoscope from tarot card reader ‘Shruti Kharbanda’ (Horoscope Today in Hindi).

Aries, March 21- April 19
Today’s day may start with some obstacles. Like I have become disillusioned with many things. But in the middle of the day you will go out somewhere and the idea of ​​increasing your wealth or opening some source of income may come to your mind. Today is a positive day and if we look honestly, time is on our side.

Cards: Knight of Swords in Reverse

Vrishabha Rashi (Taurus), April 20-May 20
The beginning of the day is good but by the end of the day you seem to be burdened with some thoughts. For example, there is something special about the way it is or was supposed to be done a certain way, this could be a custom, tradition, or wish. It is in your hands to lift yourself up with these small things.

Cards: 6 of Swords, Strength, 10 of Wands

Gemini, May 21-June 20
This morning you will feel as if you have not had enough sleep or you are restless about something and the same thing is coming to your mind again and again. It is wise to leave some things for now. The same thoughts will dominate you even at the end of the day. To make the day productive, you have to keep yourself away from thoughts or their influences.

Cards: 9 of Swords, D Hanged Man, 7 of Pentacles

Cancer, June 21-July 22
The day starts happily, like a child or with children. But due to some reason the journeys get postponed or become futile. You will be interested in spirituality and will undertake a religious journey for peace of mind. Be it going to a temple or somewhere else where you feel alone and comfortable. Some of your problems may be solved. Take care of your health.

Cards: Empress, 9 of Cups

Leo, 23 July-22 August
At the beginning of the day, focus will be on partner or partnership business. Some kind of contract is being monitored and by the middle of the day there may be some separation or discord in that matter. After all, the future policy seems to be formed by thinking about the same thing. If you are a student then you are eyeing some new admission or course. There may be some tension between married couples today.

Cards: 3 of Wands, Ace of Wands, 7 of Cups

Virgo, August 23-September 22
Look, you can accept one thing that you are feeling helpless regarding some problem. And there are many people around you who want to make you feel helpless or are deliberately making you feel helpless. By the end of the day you will spend money on good food or eatables, this will give you peace. Expenses may be high today, be careful about expenses.

Cards: 8 of Swords, Knight of Swords

Libra, September 23-October 22
Good food is your way of life. Eating to keep the body healthy, eating to please the senses, or eating just to satisfy the eyes, luxury in different colors makes you feel good and today is the day you will be surrounded by food . , There is a need to take care of health, the day is financially strong. You will remain alert today.

Cards: The Hermit, Ace of Swords, 10 of Pentacles

Scorpio, October 23-November 21
Your mind may remain restless about something. You are worried and patience is the only means by which mountains can be crossed. But it is also not right to assume that everything is over. Today you will be more busy in work related to your business or job. It is a strong time from the economic point of view.

Cards: 8 of Wands, 5 of Cups, 3 of Swords

Sagittarius, November 22-December 21
When something or a situation changes completely against your wishes, you should accept it as the will of the times. Today is one of those days when plans can go astray. Time is very powerful, if we appreciate it then we will be able to make today a better day. Plans to go somewhere or meet someone may be cancelled.

Cards: 6 of Wands, 10 of Swords, Death

Capricorn, December 22-January 19
Today is a comfortable day, a better day than every other day, financially you are fine and strong. Today you will spend or invest more. Money will not stay in hand. Even if it involves home repairs.

Cards: 3 of Pentacles, 7 of Chariot, The Star

Aquarius, January 20-February 18
Today you will be defensive about some matter or issue. Trying to save themselves. It is not right to oppose for the sake of opposing the question or to defend for the sake of avoiding it. Today is one of those days when you should write down your thoughts and problems, perhaps a solution will emerge from it. Any trip which was postponed can happen today.

Cards: Ace of Wands, 9 of Wands, 6 of Pentacles in reverse

Pisces, 19 February-20 March
Today is a mixed day from the financial point of view, there are expenses but perhaps these are necessary expenses which you will be successful in managing. And you can also make some expenses which you would like to keep limited to yourself only. We will spend today in discussion and strategy making. The mind will keep going.

Cards: 5 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, 2 of Swords

Weekly Horoscope 18-24 December 2023: How will the week be for all the zodiac signs including Cancer, Sagittarius, Pisces, know the weekly horoscope

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