Houthi, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran… if they come together, how can they destroy Israel in one stroke?

There is a sher by Haider Ali Atish. We used to hear a lot of noise in the side of the heart, but when it was cut open, not even a drop of blood came out. There is a saying on the same lines that after digging a mountain, a mouse came out. Perhaps the condition of a country like Israel is the same at present. This is the same Israel, whose intelligence agency Mossad was used as an example, this is the same Israel, on whose attack system defense experts from all over the world used to do research. This is the same Israel whose air defense system Iron Dome was said to be so strong that even countries like America and Russia were jealous.

Now, defying all the security arrangements, air defence systems and Iron Domes of Israel, the Houthi rebels of a small country, Yemen, have succeeded in launching their ballistic missile in the middle of Israel, near the capital Tel Aviv. This has posed a serious threat to a country like Israel.

Last year, 8 rockets entered Israel by dodging the Iron Dome
7 October 2023 was the date when the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas fired about 8 thousand rockets at Israel simultaneously. Then for the first time, not only Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad was criticized, but questions were also raised on the Iron Dome, known as Israel’s defense shield. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu silenced these questions by launching a counter attack. About a year has passed since then. Netanyahu said that the war will end when Hamas is finished. So neither Netanyahu could finish Hamas nor the war could end. Meanwhile, Iran also indirectly supported Hamas.

Israel responded to those who supported Hamas
More terrorist organizations joined Hamas. Lebanon’s Hezbollah joined Hamas. Yemen’s Houthis joined Hamas and together they started fighting against Israel. Israel responded to this on its own. Hundreds of Lebanese Hezbollah fighters were killed. Hundreds of Houthi rebels were killed. Thousands of Hamas fighters were killed. Entered Iran and killed the head of Hamas and killed many big terrorists, but it still could not end the war.

Israel’s Iron Dome fails again after a year
What happened to Israel on 15 September had never happened before. On 15 September, Yemen’s Houthi rebels launched a ballistic missile from a distance of about 2600 kilometers, which penetrated Israel’s defense shield Iron Dome and fell in the area of ​​the capital Tel Aviv. Although the target of this missile was a military base in Jaffa, Tel Aviv, but due to missing the target, the missile fell in an empty place and Israel did not suffer any damage.

Uproar in Israel over Iron Dome’s failure
This has raised questions on Israel’s claim, in which it repeatedly says that its Iron Dome is more powerful than the US and Russia, but now that the Houthi rebels have penetrated this Iron Dome, a ruckus has started in Israel over this. The Israeli army itself is saying that till now the Israeli army has been destroying the missiles of the Houthi rebels over the Red Sea, but this is the first time that its missile has penetrated the Iron Dome and reached Tel Aviv.

How did the missile reach Tel Aviv?
Now how did it reach Tel Aviv and why did the Iron Dome not work is being investigated. It has also been proved that the missile with which the Houthis have attacked Israel is not their own missile but Iran’s missile Ghadir. It was because of the threat of this Ghadir that Israel had built its Iron Dome. So it is clear that Iran has tested its Ghadir missile and Israel’s Iron Dome through the Houthis. The result of this is very dangerous because even though the missile launched by the Houthis did not reach the target, but if Iran attacks with this, then destruction is certain.

Will Netanyahu sack the Defense Minister?
There is also news that Netanyahu, who has been targeted by his own people in his own country due to such a long war with Hamas, is now blaming his Defense Minister Yoav Galant for this defeat and is saying that if this continues, he will sack his Defense Minister. Because Yoav Galant wants that the Israeli hostages held by Lebanon should be released first and then Israel should attack, while Benjamin Netanyahu wants that the hostages should be released or not, but Israel will attack Lebanon. In such a situation, amid so many contradictions in the top leadership, how much and for how long will Netanyahu be able to fight the war first with Hamas, then Hezbollah, then Houthis, then Syria and then Iran, is a question in itself whose answer is very difficult.

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