How Bad And Sedentary Lifestyle Is Affecting Fertility In Young Men And Women What Are The Causes Of Infertility

IVF Treatment: Enjoying Friday nights and waiting for Friday from every Monday… People who put Friday’s Friday peg are still a little low in the danger list. But those who like to hang out every day after office, smoke at least 3 to 4 cigarettes every day, this news is going to open their eyes. Especially if you are young and are yet to settle a family after marriage, then be careful in time, otherwise the market of medicines, surgeries, therapies and different treatments is growing every day in search of new customers like you.

The effect of bad lifestyle on young girls and boys is getting so high that there is no possibility for family planning after marriage without treatment like IVF…that is why by 2031 the fertility market is likely to be 4 times Is. Allied Market Research A report published by Allied Market Research states that in the year 2031, there is every possibility of increasing the fertility market by 4 times.

What does the fertility report say?
Fertility Services Market It has been told in this report published by the name that in the year 2021, the fertility market was worth $ 21.13 billion, which includes invitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). By the year 2031 i.e. in just 10 years (a decade), this market is likely to increase to $90.79 billion. That is, this market will increase by about 4 times. There are 100 crores in a billion, so you can imagine yourself that how infertility has created a big market all over the world. This also means that in the coming time, young boys and girls are going to have more problems in producing children!

Why is the fertility market growing?

The reasons for the growth of this market, which have been mentioned in this research, are directly related to the poor lifestyle of young boys and girls…

  • staying up late
  • drinking alcohol
  • to smoke
  • lack of proper diet
  • don’t get enough sleep
  • not being physically active
  • don’t exercise

What does the CDS report say?

In the year 2020, a report published by the US Health Agency Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that the fertility rate in women aged 35 to 39 years has dropped sharply because the egg produced at this age is directly fertile with sperm. Can’t happen. Also, during pregnancy at this age, the risk of genetic disease in the child increases. In such a situation, reducing this risk through fertility service is also a major reason for the growth of the fertility market. Due to late marriage due to career, the problem of fertility is increasing in boys and girls.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: 14 out of every 1,000 people have epilepsy, not mental weakness, this is the most common reason

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