How did people carry big stones to build the Egyptian pyramids, know what research says

You must have read about the pyramids, which are among the seven wonders of the world, in your childhood and even when you grew up. But do you know how pyramids were built from countless big stones in desert areas? Today we will tell you how pyramids were built in places like deserts.


The pyramids, which are among the seven wonders, were built in Giza several thousand years ago. Their huge structure and presence in Egypt is proof of the simplicity of an ancient civilization. But how these historical buildings were built in a desert area is still a subject of research. Let us tell you that a research has found that big stones were transported through the Nile River.

The truth about the construction of pyramids

Let us tell you that the Nile River is several kilometers away from the pyramids. Therefore, bringing stones from such a distance to the site of the pyramid in the new research raises questions. New research has revealed some new information. Scientists have discovered a long-lost branch of the Nile River, which is now buried under sand and fields. Using satellite imagery, experts have identified the location of an ancient river branch near the pyramid site. They have confirmed their results through geophysical surveys and sediment cores.

Through their research, researchers have detected river sediments and old channels under the ground. Which indicates the presence of an old branch of the 64 kilometer long river. Researchers found that at one time the branch of the river flowed near the pyramid areas. They have named the branch of the Nile River “Ahramat”, which means “pyramid” in Arabic. According to them, the ancient branch of the Nile River must have played an important role in the construction of the pyramids and reaching here. The river would have made it easier to transport large stone blocks and other equipment to the construction site of the pyramid.

Importance of the Nile River

Let us tell you that the Nile River has always been more important for Egypt than just a source of water. This river has worked as a lifeline, providing livelihood to the land and its people. Not only this, the Nile River has also provided great convenience in the form of transportation. This has facilitated trade and movement of people. It is the center of identity and development of Egyptian civilization.

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