How do girls make boys their friends, then how do they choose their boyfriend?

Friendship Day 2024 : Friendship is considered to be the most beautiful relationship in the world. This relationship is free from all kinds of bondages. It is maintained without any conditions. Friendship Day is celebrated in India every year on 4th August. Its purpose is to promote friendship. Friendship is not only between the same gender. Boys and girls are also good friends.

After a certain age, every boy wants to make a girl his friend. So today we are going to tell you how girls make boys their friends and how they choose a boyfriend…

There should be emotional qualities, not looks and style

According to relationship counselors, whenever girls make a boy their boyfriend or choose a partner, they consider his looks and clothes but give more importance to his emotional qualities.

I look for a true friend, not a hero

According to experts, the way of choosing a boyfriend may be different for different girls. But if a boy is thinking that he can become a girl’s friend by becoming a hero like in the movies, then he is probably wrong. Actually, a research by the Byul University of America revealed that by watching movies etc., boys start creating a different image of themselves in front of girls, due to which many times they get cheated in a relationship.

Funny type of boys are more liked

In 2023, two psychology professors from Singapore Management University conducted a study on 108 couples. This one-week study found that girls find funny boys more attractive. If they are in a relationship, it is more likely to last. Most girls want funny people to be their boyfriends.

There should be an innovative maturity partner

According to a report by the American Psychological Association, girls innovatively look for maturity in their male partner or boyfriend and give priority to it. Such boys do not lose their temper on small matters and take decisions after careful consideration. They know how to manage relationships well. They know the boundaries of a relationship. Such boys take care of their girlfriends in every way.

Girls like these gestures of boys



those who understand others

emotional availability

respecting friend

Emotionally Mature

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