How do people get addicted to alcohol despite knowing its ill effects? It takes 30 lakh lives every year

Due to drinking poisonous liquor in Tamil Nadu 34 people died while More than 100 people are admitted in hospital. You must be hearing news of deaths due to poisonous liquor every day. Many people have this question in their mind that when people know that poisonous liquor is killing many people then how do people become so addicted to it? Let us know about this today

How does one get addicted to alcohol?

When many people could not get alcohol during the lockdown, they even drank after shave lotion and sanitizer . The question arises that how did they get addicted to this?? So let us tell you that the answer to this comes from the combined research of psychology and biology

Psychology TodayAccording to a research, Alcohol makes the body and mind habituated to living in a virtual world. The person who drinks it starts to lose sight of the real world and starts craving alcohol. This research has revealed that three factors play a role in developing any habit , First character, Repetition and Reward

Anything can cause addiction

A person can get addicted to anything, like tea addiction, Shopping addiction, Porn addiction or alcohol addiction. In the beginning, people drink alcohol as a hobby. After this, sometimes their mind starts showing signs of drinking alcohol. They start to feel like drinking alcohol will make their day and mind feel better and their worries will go away. Then this craving keeps happening and the person gets addicted to alcohol.

Why does the brain start giving signals of drinking alcohol?

Now the question also arises that the thing after drinking which a person loses his consciousness and is unable to walk properly, get up, If he forgets to sit, why would he want to drink it? ? So let us tell you that the alcohol present in liquor is"s1">-It creates such a chemical imbalance in the brain that people get trapped in its web

Actually when a person starts drinking alcohol in large quantity on daily basis then a new thought starts developing in his mind."s1"> ‘Tetra Hydro IsoquinolineA chemical called . This chemical tells the body through neurotransmitters that it needs more alcohol, After which the person becomes addicted to it.

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