How do people living on roads or footpaths vote? Know what the rules are

Elections 2024: On 16 March 2024, the Election Commission has announced the dates for the elections of the 18th Lok Sabha in India. This time the Lok Sabha elections will be completed in seven phases.

Voter card is made without identity card

If a person is homeless. That means he has no permanent address. He lives on the road or footpath. So that person can also vote. For that he has to make a voter card. Which is where the person lives on the footpath. It is made by the local booth level officer of that area. Voter card of such persons is made without any other identity card. But for this the BLO i.e. Booth Level Officer has to go to that person and ensure that he lives in the same area. For this, the BLO can go to that person more than once to ensure this. 

Name appears in the voter list

When the BLO processes the voter card application of that person after confirmation. So within a few days his voter card is ready. Which the BLO himself hands over to that person or the person has to go to collect it from the office. Because such people do not have homes, voter cards cannot be sent by post. 

Voter card is made. So after this his name appears in the voter list at the time of elections. And after that they are able to cast their vote by taking the voter slip and carrying their vote record. To cast vote in elections, it is very important to have your name in the voter list. If the name is not there in the voter list then that person will not be able to vote.

 Also read: Voter ID Card: What documents are required to make a voter card, apply today itself

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