How do you go to a place in your dreams where you have never been? Know the reason

Dreams are a unique experience for humans. The person who dreams is in a different world during sleep. Most people believe that a person sees only those things in his dreams which he thinks about. But some dreams are such that they are beyond your understanding. Like going to a place in a dream which you have never seen before. Let us know why this happens.

Why do humans dream?

The Oracle of Night: The History of Science of Dreams author and neuroscientist Siddharth Ribeiro believes that there is no person in this world who does not dream. Yes, it is true that some people remember their dreams and some people forget them. Regarding dreams in humans, Ribeiro says that this happens during Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep.

How do we reach unknown places?

Before knowing this, we need to know how dreams take shape in sleep. What are the reasons behind their images being formed in front of us? Actually, science believes that the whole story of dreams is based on the electrical activity of the chains of our memories which get connected during REM sleep and then together form a dream. This dream is going on in our pre-frontal cortex. During this time we are seeing a lot and becoming a part of it. Now let us know how we reach unknown places.

We told you above how your dream is formed. Similarly, when you reach a place in your dream which you do not know about, then your imagination works behind it. Dreams are a part of our present life. They are formed on the basis of what you see, hear, feel and think. Sometimes all these are mixed in front of you in such a way that you are unable to understand. To put it in simple language, you watched a movie during the day, it had many scenes. Like desert, snow-covered mountain, dense forest and fast flowing rivers.

Now many scenes got embedded in your mind in a few hours. In such a situation, when your dreams are formed after sleeping, these scenes combine with each other and create a new place. Like a desert in which a fast flowing river is flowing. Or a single white mountain covered with snow in the middle of a lush forest. That is, what is not possible on scientific grounds in present life, you see and feel it in your dreams.

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