how exercise really affects your testosterone according to doctors

Like women, men also go through many types of hormonal changes. Men also go through many types of hormonal changes. The biggest change is the change in men’s reproductive health which is known as testosterone. Testosterone is an important androgen hormone. Which plays an important role in the formation of sperm.

According to ‘Cleveland Clinic’, testosterone hormone is very important for male strength, muscle mass, red blood cells, bone density and reproductive functions. Therefore, the level of this hormone remains under control in men. It is very important for men to have this hormone for good health.

How does exercise affect testosterone levels?

Exercising daily helps in getting rid of many problems. Many health problems related to heart and brain remain under control by exercising. Not only this, exercising also maintains the level of testosterone in the body. Let’s know how it functions in the body? Edward Cherullo, M.D., Chairman of Urology at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, says that exercising affects testosterone levels a lot. To understand this, it is very important to exercise daily.

With age, the level of testosterone hormone starts decreasing. Often, the level of testosterone starts decreasing in men after 40. But sometimes it starts decreasing in men due to many other reasons. Due to which many problems have to be faced.

Let’s know the symptoms of low testosterone

Hot Flashes

Erectile dysfunction

Decreasing sperm count


Increase in body fat


Muscle weakness

Shrinking of the testicles

Decreased pubic hair

Increase in breast size

Eating protein-rich foods helps in increasing testosterone levels in the body. Therefore, you must include foods like meat, chicken, fish and eggs in your diet. Apart from this, milk, cheese, tofu, nuts and seeds also help in increasing sperm count.

If you want to increase the level of testosterone in the body, then definitely sleep for 7-8 hours. If you sleep for 4-5 hours, then it is very good for your health. Walk for 30 minutes daily or do exercise. This also improves the testosterone level a lot.

Why is testosterone important for a bodybuilder?

Testosterone provides strong muscles. Lean body helps in controlling weight and increasing energy. Men with low testosterone may have weakness from within. Testosterone is also important for bodybuilders because it increases strength and size in muscles.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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