How far can those who have the habit of sleepwalking go?

You can guess how dangerous sleepwalking can be from the fact that a 19-year-old girl died in Mumbai. Actually, a girl living in Mumbai had the problem of sleepwalking. One night, while walking in her sleep, she fell down from the sixth floor of a building and died.

In this sequence, let us tell you today that if someone has the problem of sleepwalking, how far can he walk in his sleep. Apart from this, we will also explain to you what causes a person to suffer from sleepwalking.

First understand the problem of sleepwalking

Human sleep is divided into two stages. REM and NREM. All the sleep problems from sleepwalking to dreams occur in the REM stage only. Doctors believe that sleepwalking does not always indicate a serious problem, but when a person starts walking in his sleep every day, then it becomes dangerous.

You will see that people who have sleepwalking get up and start walking only after a few hours of sleep. Many people suddenly get up and sit on the bed after sleeping. Many times when a person opens his eyes after sleepwalking, he does not understand how he reached a new place while sleeping. Let us now tell you how far a person can walk while walking in his sleep.

How far can a person walk in his sleep

How far a person can walk in his sleep depends on how long the person doing sleepwalking is asleep. That is, if someone is sleepwalking, he will keep doing it until he wakes up. Some people wake up after walking a little distance, so they walk only 100 meters or 200 meters. Whereas, some people wake up after walking a long distance and keep walking for several kilometers.

Understand it like this, a few years ago there was a news on ABC News. According to this news, a girl from Colorado city of America slept at night and when she woke up in the morning, she was 9 kilometers away from her home. When the police investigated it, it was found that the girl had walked this far in her sleep.

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