How is gutter oil extracted? How harmful is it for health

Gutter oil has become such a business in China, which is being done on a large scale. Despite being illegal, gutter oil or saliva oil is used secretly. From street vendors to some cheap hotels, everyone uses this oil a lot. Gutter oil is mostly used for spicy food, so that people do not understand its taste. The Chinese government has banned the use and extraction of gutter oil, for which there is also a provision of punishment. But still its business is going on in full swing.

How is gutter oil extracted?
Oil is extracted from the gutter by some people associated with oil production and then it is delivered to hotels and food vendors for use. First of all, it is stored in a drum or bucket from the gutter manhole, garbage bin or discarded food. It contains oil, feces and animal parts along with dirty water. Now the gutter oil is brought to the place from where the oil is extracted by separating the dirt. Then aromatic things are added to it and it is supplied. This oil is sold at a very low price, due to which cheap hotels and street vendors buy it for profit.

How much harm is it to health?
This oil extracted from the gutter contains many things which are extremely harmful to the human body. This oil can give rise to many serious diseases. It contains the maximum amount of trans fats, which can cause serious problems like cancer. For this reason, gutter oil has been declared illegal and the use of this oil is prohibited in China. There is also a provision for punishment.

How many years of punishment is given?
Using gutter oil has a very bad effect on health. It is said that consuming it can also cause serious diseases like cancer. It contains a high amount of trans fats, which can give rise to many diseases, due to which the use of this oil is illegal in China and there is a provision of punishment for it. Selling gutter oil in China can result in a long prison sentence or even death penalty. The longest sentence so far has been 7 years. In 2014, businessman Zhu Chuanfeng was sentenced for selling gutter oil.

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