How is it decided whether a person will be tall in height or short in body

If you look around you, you will find that people of different colors and body types are present in this society. Some have dark complexion, some have fair complexion. Some height is more, some less. Now the question arises that how are these things decided? That is, which element of the body decides whether someone will be tall or short.

Is it determined by nutrition?

The common belief among people is that the length and height of a person’s body depends on the nutrition he receives. However, some experts do not believe so. Actually, how much the height of the body will increase depends 80 percent on our DNA. That is, if our ancestors were tall, then there are full chances that the current children will also be tall. Some vitamins are responsible for 20% increase or decrease in body height.

Big role of Vitamin D?

According to the report of the National Library of Medicine, if there is a deficiency of Vitamin D in a child’s body, then his body’s development may be hindered.

What kind of diet should there be?

Experts say that if you want the development of your child’s body, then try to give him a diet rich in proteins and vitamins. Especially when the child’s age is between 10 to 18 years. Children grow rapidly at this age. In such a situation, they need a good diet during this period. If children are given a good diet during this period, their height can also increase and their body will also be healthy. However, sometimes due to some diseases, the development of the body stops, in such a situation, if your child is not developing physically, then first contact the doctor.

read this also: Highest City: At how many feet height is the world’s highest city situated, life is not so easy here

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