How is the journey to death? This person who came back alive told the whole story

Everyone is curious to know what happens in the journey after death. What is the experience of death like? Is it painful or is it pleasant. Many such questions must have come in your mind many times. What happens in the journey after death can only be disclosed by the person who has returned to life after death. Actually a person from Britain has narrated the story after his death. Yes you are listening right. This person had said goodbye to his life battling his illness. However, after some time, he returned to his life, that is, he became alive again after death.     

55-year-old Kevin Hill has a disease of calciphylaxis. This is such a rare disease, in which calcium is deposited in the small blood vessels of fat and skin tissues. After being alive, Kevin told that after his death he came out of such a tunnel, at the end of which there was only darkness. He told that due to the blisters, his skin had started getting dead. The blisters had started eating his skin. Because of which he was feeling a lot of pain in the last time.

"the miracle man"

"text-align: justify;"> His condition became so bad that blood started flowing rapidly from his feet. He told that he had lost 473.18 mL of blood. The doctors made several attempts to save him, but they could not save him. However, when he came alive, even the doctors were stunned. After being alive, he had completely recovered. them for "the miracle man" has also been contracted. Kevin Hill told that the near death experience was actually a peaceful experience. 

Bleeding stopped after being revived

Kevin said, ‘I could not see my body after death, but I was separated from my body. Everything was as if I was in the shadow of some spirit. I knew what was happening, yet was very calm. I knew bleeding was happening. I knew that this is a serious situation. All the hospital staff were going in and out to stop my bleeding. He said, ‘I knew that I was dead and separated from my body. I just went away, but then I came back to life and even more bleeding stopped. I had come to know that it was not my time to die.’

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