How is this creature giving birth to children without mating with any partner?

There are many such incidents in the world, about which you will be surprised to hear. One such incident happened a few days ago in England. Actually, here a snake of boa species gave birth to 14 children. But the surprising thing is that this snake has not come in contact with any male snake for the last 9 years. Let us now know how this happened. Along with this, we will know what science says in this regard.

The snake itself is also male

If you think that the snake we are talking about is female, then you are wrong. According to a BBC report, this snake has been with Pete Quinlan, who takes care of animals and creatures at Portsmouth College in England, for the last 9 years and it was always male. That is why this snake was named Ronaldo. Apart from this, this snake has not come in contact with any other snake for the last nine years.

Quinlan says that he rescued this snake 9 years ago and since then it has been living with him. Quinlan says that he was not in college the day this snake gave birth to babies. The next day when he reached college, he came to know that small snakes were roaming behind the tank. When Quinlan saw these baby snakes, he was surprised. He could not understand how this happened. However, science has an answer to this. Let us answer it for you.

What does science say about this

In the language of science, whenever this happens to any organism, it is called parthenogenesis. In Hindi it is called asexual reproduction. That is, some organisms can produce children asexually without mating with any partner. Boa snake is one of those organisms that have the properties of parthenogenesis. That is, they can produce babies asexually.

During this process, eggs are produced in the uterus of the boa snake without any sperm and then after some time babies are born. However, this is a very rare process. Actually, not every boa snake can do this. This has happened only three times with this snake species in the whole world. Apart from boa snake, stingray fish can also produce babies without a partner.

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