How kiss was started what is the science behind kissing benefits of kissing valentines day kiss day types of kiss

Kissing in Relationship: Kissing is one of the most beautiful feelings of expressing love. The first written evidence of kissing is found in the Vedic culture literature of India. While doing research on kissing, renowned anthropologist William Jankovic found that at present, lip-to-lip kissing is practiced in 46% of the 168 known cultures, in other places it is done by kissing the hand, somewhere the head or by kissing the boss. This tradition is fulfilled.

If we try to understand kissing only from a romantic perspective, then it will be a betrayal of information. In fact, kissing has many such scientific secrets hidden within it, from which today we will unveil and also know how kissing started by chewing food.

How did the kissing begin?
The first history of kissing is found in India about 3500 years ago. After which the trend of kissing started increasing in cultures around the world. It started with giving chewed food in the mouth.

Kissing, which has become a symbol of romance, was initially associated only with the feeling of motherhood. In fact, in the times of primitive humans, when there were no means of lighting fire, mothers would chew raw meat or vegetables and put them in the mouth of their children, so that they could eat comfortably. This would be just like a bird feeding its baby with its beak. This nature came to humans from our ancestors monkeys, this is the reason why no child has to learn kissing. As soon as he comes close to his mother, he tries to kiss her with his lips. Because it is coded in his DNA that kissing provides food, love and security.

development of kissing behavior
With time and development man gave up his primitive qualities. With which the ability of humans to hunt, see and smell started decreasing. Just as animals can detect each other’s feelings by smelling them from a certain distance, similarly humans needed a lip-lock. Because during evolution, our sense of smell decreased.

If we understand in simple language, then to understand the feelings which animals sense through smell or waves, humans need to come as close as a kiss.

Emotions are transferred through lips like USB.
To reconcile, people shake hands or even hug, but what is there in kissing that makes it so special for a person. The answer to this also lies in the shape of the lips. The lips have the highest number of nerve neurons compared to any other organ. Because of this, lips become the most delicate and sensitive part of our body. As soon as the kissing process begins, the nerve neurons present in the lips start sending messages to the brain through smell, touch and taste.

During kissing, complex information is exchanged between two people. The five sense organs keep sending information to the mind through eyes, nose, ears, tongue and skin data about whether that person can become a reliable partner in the future or not. How safe and better you feel with him etc.

People may not know it, but during kissing, two hearts and brains are transferring data to each other like USB.

type of kiss

1. Peck kiss
This is the earliest and most common way of kissing. In this, two people touch each other’s lips and kiss. It doesn’t take very long. This type of kiss is done for love or greeting.

2. American Kiss
When the pec kiss lasts long, it will be an American kiss. Romantic partners often do this in the beginning of a relationship.

3. French Kiss

This is deep kissing. It includes lips as well as tongue and teeth. This is kissing with more romantic and sexual appeal.

butterfly kiss
Butterfly is not involved in this type of kiss. In this, they bring each other’s faces so close that the eyelids start hitting each other. Such kissing is done while caressing children or cuddling with a romantic partner.

read this also – Kiss Day: Apart from love and happiness, there are amazing benefits of ‘kissing’, immunity will also be strengthened.

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