How long should one drink water after coming from the scorching sun? Know what the experts say

Summer health tips: It is advisable to drink as much water as possible during the summer season, but you should drink this water at the right time and in the right way. Otherwise, drinking cold water in summer can be harmful for your health. Yes, if you drink cold water after coming from outside during the summer season, it can cause serious harm to your health and can also affect your brain. In such a situation, how long should you drink water after coming back from the scorching sun and let us tell you how.

How long after coming back from the sun to drink water?
If you have come from a hot summer day, then you should never drink water immediately after coming home. You sit for 5-10 minutes, then drink water. But you should also drink this water only as normal water, if you drink too much cold water then it can turn cold and hot and problems like heatstroke, indigestion, stomach ache, vomiting, dizziness can also occur. In such a situation, you should drink only normal water after coming out from the sun, so that the temperature of your body does not change suddenly. When you suddenly drink cold water after coming back to normal temperature from extreme heat, it can also cause cold and fever.

How much water to drink in summer
People often ask how much water should we drink in a day? Some recommend drinking 4 liters of water, while others recommend drinking 5 liters of water. But in summer, you should drink at least 3 to 4 liters of water a day to stay hydrated. Apart from this, one should consume such things which have high water content and take a healthy diet. The risk of infection also increases a lot in the summer season, in such a situation you should balance your water level, do not drink dirty water, drink clean water from home and avoid outside lemon, shikanji, sugarcane juice, because It can also cause indigestion and stomach related complaints. It is very important to drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated, but it is also important to know that drinking excess water can also harm your health.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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