how many sects are muslims shia and which is sunni

Islam: People who follow the religion of Islam are called Muslims. All Muslims around the world believe in only one God, whom they call ‘Allah’. But Muslims who believe in one God are divided into many sects. There is a change in their ideology and lifestyle. Let us know how many types of Muslims are there.

How many types of Muslims are there?

Muslims have a population of 1.8 billion in the world. All these Muslims believe in the religion of Islam. Despite this, they are divided into four different sects. Which includes Shia, Sunni, Sufi and Ahmadiyya Muslims. Among these, the largest population is 85 percent Sunni sect and about 15 percent is Shia population. Most of the Muslims in the world live in the countries of East Asia and South Asia. Let us know about all these sects of Muslims.

Sunni Muslim

The word Sunni means tradition. This is a word derived from Arabic. In simple words, Sunni means the person who follows the words of Allah. Sunni Muslims have the largest number of Muslims who believe in the religion of Islam. Like every Muslim, he also believes in the things said in the Quran. Offer namaz five times a day. Follow the five pillars of Islam religion. Sunni Muslims are a mixture of 5 different classes

Hanafi Sunni

Hanafi follows the ideals of Imam Abu Hanifa. Most of the Sunni Muslims of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh follow this ideology of Islam.

Maliki Sunni

Maliki Sunni Imam follows the teachings of Maliki. Most of the Sunnis in North African countries follow this sect.

Hambali Sunni

Hanbali Sunnis follow the teachings of Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal. People follow him in Arab countries.

Shafi’i Sunni

Shafai Sunnis follow the orders of Imam Shafai.

Salafi Sunni

Salafi Sunnis, who are called Ahl-e-Hadith Salafi Sunnis, are different from the four sects and have their Imam Muhammad (S). Believe in. Although Salafi Sunni respect all Imams.

The main difference between Shia and Sunni sects is regarding the rightful successor of Prophet Muhammad. According to Sunni, the caliphate should be chosen with the consent of all, while Shia believe that it should pass from the descendants of Prophet Muhammad, primarily his cousin Ali and his descendants.

Shia Muslim

Shia Muslims are the second largest branch of Islam. According to them, Prophet Muhammad chose Ali ibn Talib as his successor and after him the Imam. There are many sub-sects of Shia Muslims. Shia Muslims are the largest among the three countries in the world. Iran. It is in Iraq, Azerbaijan, Lebanon, Kuwait, Turkey, Yemen and the Indian subcontinent. The term Shia was first used during the lifetime of Muhammad. If we talk about India, Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of Shia Muslims in India.

Sufi Muslim

Sufism is a mystical and ascetic form of Islam, which is followed by millions of Muslims in the world. In the Muslim world it is known as Tasawwuf. Sufism is quite widespread among Sunnis. Whereas there is Sufi sect in Shia. People who believe in Sufism can come closer to Allah through internal purification and introspection. They believe in one Allah and Muhammad as their messenger. This includes offering prayers five times a day, giving charity, fasting and traveling to Mecca.

Ahmadiyya Muslim

The Ahmadiyya community was founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmed. He was born in Qadian, Punjab. This is the reason why people who believe in them call themselves Ahmadiyya. Ahmadiyya Muslims do not consider Mohammed Sahib as the last prophet. He believes that his guru i.e. Mirza Ghulam Ahmed is the prophet after Mohammed. The number of Ahmadiyya Muslims worldwide is 10 to 20 million, which is 1 percent of the Muslim population.

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