How many ships has the Bermuda Triangle swallowed so far, has any wreckage been found?

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil’s Triangle in the world, is an area located in the western Atlantic Ocean.  This area covers the area between Miami (Florida), Bermuda and Portugal’s Azores Islands. The incidents of disappearance of ships and planes in this region have always been a topic of discussion. Let us know in this article today how many ships have gone missing in the Bermuda Triangle and whether the wreckage of the ships that went missing was ever found.

Ships missing in the Bermuda Triangle

Ships missing in the Bermuda Triangle


People first learned about the Bermuda Triangle in the middle of the 20th century, when many mysterious incidents occurred in this area. In the year 1918, a naval ship named USS Cyclops, with about 309 people on board, suddenly disappeared in this area. This incident became a topic of discussion all over the world and only after this incident people started knowing about the Bermuda Triangle. After this ship, the second biggest incident occurred in the year 1945 when Flight 19 disappeared in this area.

It is said that this was a group training mission, which included 5 TBM Avenger torpedo bombers. . The biggest thing is that after the disappearance of this flight, when a rescue plane went to search for it, it also disappeared in this area. Apart from this, in the year 1948, two more ships disappeared from the same area, Star Tiger (1948) and DC-3 (1948).

If we count the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle, then There is no concrete data regarding this. However, according to some reports, more than 1,000 ships and aircraft have gone missing in this area. Now coming to the question of debris. Actually, the wreckage of ships and planes that disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle is not often found, but there are some incidents in which remains of wreckage have been found. However, there is no concrete data about this.

How ships disappear

Behind the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle Many arguments are given. Like, sudden storms and bad weather in this area. Apart from this, it is said about the Bermuda Triangle that there is a complex network of deep sea pits and ocean currents in this area, which can easily pull ships inside it.

However, many people do not consider this area as such. Let’s try to connect with other worlds also. You must have seen in Hollywood movies how the Bermuda Triangle is said to be the door to the alien world, apart from this, it has also been shown in some movies how as soon as the ship enters the storm of the Bermuda Triangle, it reaches another world and there Gets stuck forever.

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