How many times has India celebrated Republic Day without the Chief Guest

Republic Day is celebrated as our national festival. Which is celebrated by remembering the Constitution of India which came into force on 26 January 1950. During this time, every year some foreign guest is also invited. For the first time i.e. in 1950, President Sukarno of Asian country Indonesia attended as the chief guest. This time the foreign guest was French President Emmanuel Macron, but do you know that there have been some years when we have celebrated Republic Day without any foreign guest.

In these years, Republic Day was celebrated without the chief guest.
: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Indian government did not invite any foreign guest this year. This is the reason why no foreign guest attended the Republic Day celebrations this year.

2021: This year, the then Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, was invited as the chief guest but he did not attend the event and postponed his visit.

1966: In the year 1966, no one was invited by the Government of India as the chief guest of Republic Day.

1952: No foreign guest was invited this year.

1953: This year also no foreign guest was invited. Apart from these, invitations have been sent to foreign guests every year.

Why Republic Day But foreign guests are invited
Let us tell you that the main objective of inviting foreign guests on this special occasion every year is to showcase the rich diversity of Indian culture apart from strengthening bilateral relations.

Also read: Not only ‘Republic Day’, 26th January is also mentioned for these 5 incidents.

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