How many years ago did marriage begin? What would have happened if marriages had not happened?

Marriage is a bond that connects not only two individuals, But society, It is also important for family and cultureAlthough the early history of marriage is long and difficult, But it is believed that marriages have been taking place since human civilization existed.In ancient times the purpose of marriage was only related to social and economic reasons, Whereas in today’s time this love, has become a symbol of partnership and familyIn such a situation, let us know how marriages started and what has been its history.

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What is the history of marriages?

According to scientific research, The first example of marriage is approximately 4,000 to 2,000 years agoThis is the time when ancient civilizations such as Mesopotamia, Egypt and IndiaIn these civilizations, marriage was considered a means of social and economic securityIn earlier times, marriages often resulted from political treaties and exchanges of propertywere meant to provideVarious types of weddings were also prevalent at that time, such as polygamy and hereditary marriages.

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What has been the importance of marriage?

The importance of marriage in the society is on many levels. It not only connects two persons, Rather it families, Also establishes connections between communities and culturesLet us tell you that marriage is a social institution which strengthens the structure of the societyIt promotes a sense of cooperation and support among families. Besides, marriage is also an economic bond., Which helps bring families together. Exchange of property in joint familiesUse of provided and shared resources is normal. Apart from this, marriage is a bond of love and companionship. It provides emotional support to the spouse and reaffirms the commitment to stay together through difficult times.

What would have happened if the marriage had not taken place?

Now the question arises that what would have happened if marriages did not take placeSo let us tell you that due to lack of marriages the family structure may decrease. Children may grow up without any permanent structure, which can weaken social relationsAlso, due to lack of financial support, many families may face difficulties. Division of property and exchange of resourcesProvided may also be difficult.Apart from this, if there is no marriage, there may be lack of emotional support. People may face loneliness and depression, which can have a negative impact on mental health and marriage traditions and customs of different culturesAn important part of the customs. If the marriage does not take place, So these traditions may become weak and the identity of the society may also disappear.

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