The security of actor Salman Khan’s Galaxy apartment has been increased. Actually, bulletproof glass has been installed in the balcony of Salman’s apartment. After this news, users on social media are asking how much does this bulletproof bottle cost and how much protection does it provide. Today we will tell you how much a bulletproof glass costs.
Bullet Proof Glass
Let us tell you that as the name suggests, Bullet Proof, this glass looks like a gun. Stops the bullet. This glass is so strong that even a bullet fired through it cannot cross it. It is used in many places for security reasons. Many VIPs and businessmen install this glass outside their homes, offices and on their car mirrors. Due to which they get security. Let us tell you that bullet proof glass is thicker and stronger than normal glass.
Bulletproof glass is stronger
Bulletproof glass is considered the best in terms of security. The bullet fired in it cannot pass through it. Let us tell you that many types of raw materials are used in this glass, which includes polycarbonate, laminated glass, and sapphire. Let us tell you that this glass is usually in more than one layer, due to which the glass does not break due to the impact of a bullet.
How much does bulletproof glass cost?
Now the question is this. How much does a bulletproof glass cost? Bulletproof glass also comes in different rates. Its rate depends on the type, thickness, and design of the glass. According to the information, the cost of installing bullet proof glass in the house is approximately ₹ 5000 to ₹ 10,000 per square feet. However, if there is a change in the thickness and quality of the glass, this expense may increase further. In India, any person can get it installed for the purpose of security.
Bullet has no effect
Let us tell you that if a bullet hits the bulletproof glass, it stops there. In simple language, bulletproof glass does not break easily and a bullet cannot pass through it in one go. However, the quality of bullet proof used at different places including military personnel is also different. Some bulletproof glasses break when repeatedly fired at the same place and some do not break for a long time. Also read:Sunita Williams will come out of the space station for a space walk, know what this is.