How much gold is left on earth and which country has the most gold?

Everyone likes gold jewelery and everything made of gold. Many times, to show off their grandeur, billionaires make some household items made of gold. Some Sheikhs of Dubai even get their cars made of gold. Although its price is in crores. At the same time, governments of many countries also keep gold in reserve with them. In such a situation, do you know how much gold is left on the earth even after extracting 1,90,000 tonnes of gold from the earth through mining? If not then let’s find out.

How much gold is left on the earth?
Let us tell you that till now 1,90,000 kg of gold has been mined from the earth. Even after this, the earth is hiding gold in its womb. It is estimated that at present there is a total reserve of 50 thousand tonnes of gold in the earth. Which can be extracted through mining.

Which country’s government has the most gold?
If you are wondering which country will have the most gold reserves, then America has the largest gold reserves in the world. is near. Which has reserves of 8,133.46 tonnes of gold. Germany’s name comes second in this list. Which has 3,352.65 tonnes of gold reserve. After which the name of Italy comes at number three. Italy has 2,451.84 tonnes of gold reserve. 

How much gold does India have?
Talking about India, our country has 803.58 tonnes of gold reserve. India comes at number 9 in the list of gold reserves. Considering the increasing demand for gold, it can be estimated that there may be a significant increase in gold prices in the coming times.                 

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