How much water is there in the world’s rivers? What do you know? NASA did the assessment, gave the correct answer to this question

Although three-fourth of the entire earth is covered with water, there is very little water available for drinking. Rivers are an important source in this. In addition, rivers sustain many natural, human populations and economic activities. Understanding the dynamics of rivers, including the amount of water they receive and release, is vital for effective fresh water resource management. But do you know how much water is there in the world’s rivers?

not easy to find out
A recent study led by NASA provides a new perspective on this issue, highlighting areas facing significant water stress. Historically, obtaining accurate and reliable estimates of the total volume of water stored in rivers worldwide has faced significant challenges due to limitations in measurement techniques and data availability.

How was the study conducted?
Recent research published in the journal Nature Geoscience and conducted by NASA has made significant progress in addressing this issue. The research team combined traditional stream-gauge measurements with advanced hydrological computer simulations. The method involves the analysis of nearly 3 million river segments worldwide, representing a comprehensive effort to map river dynamics more accurately than ever before.

NASA has conducted a study by combining the data of rivers from all over the world. (Symbolic photo: Shutterstock)

So how much water is there in the rivers?
By employing a combination of advanced computational models and extensive stream-gauge measurements, the study estimates that Earth’s rivers collectively hold about 2246 cubic kilometers of water. The amount of water in rivers represents a fraction of the total fresh water resources, which is only 2.5 percent of the Earth’s water. Nevertheless, this amount is essential for managing the global water cycle.

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The river’s water supports large-scale ecosystems, agriculture and human population. Its impact is much greater than its quantity. This knowledge is important for those who manage water resources. The study found that the Amazon Basin accounts for 18 percent of total river flow into the world’s oceans, while being the world’s largest river system by volume. About 38 percent of the world’s total river water storage was found in it.

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