How much weight can any person in the world lift at one go know what science says

Among all the games in Paris Olympic Games, there is a lot of craze for weightlifting game. Most of the people around the world like to watch weightlifting game. But while watching weightlifting game, do you also think that how much maximum weight can a person lift in one go? Today we will tell you how much weight any person can lift in one go.


In weightlifting games, you must have seen that players lift a lot of weight. But does it ever come to your mind that how much weight can any person lift the most? The question is what is the capacity of any person.

Let us tell you that when British Eddie Hall lifted 500 kg in the World Deadlift Championship in 2016, people around the world were shocked. Apart from the Olympics, there are many events around the world to show one’s strength. But in 2020, Hafþór Július Björnsson of Iceland made a new record. He lifted 501 kg while deadlifting.
Who lifted the most weight

Do you know who lifted the heaviest weight in the world? Let us tell you that this world record is in the name of Greg Ernst of Canada. In 1993, he lifted two cars with the drivers on his back, whose total weight was 2,422 kg. This record is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.

muscle strength

According to Bradley Schoenfeld, professor of exercise science at Lehman College, muscle strength can be measured using an electromyography machine. EMG works by recording the electrical activity generated inside the muscles by the contracting of nerve cells and muscle fibers. At the same time, E. Todd Schroeder, professor of clinical physical therapy at the University of Southern California, has found in his research that it is difficult to set a limit on how much weight a human can lift.


Let us tell you that elite powerlifters constantly push themselves to the ultimate limits by increasing their muscle mass. However, instead of increasing muscle mass, power decreases and eventually the muscles reach their limit. However, increasing muscle mass is not enough. Because many times people with less body mass lift more weight than people with more weight. Apart from this, it is important for powerlifters to be mentally strong.

What did the research reveal about weight

This effect was demonstrated in a study published in the journal Impulse in 2020. Researchers sought to determine whether ‘positive visualization’ affects training performance. Positive visualization is a technique that involves mentally preparing for a positive outcome.

For this, he recruited 133 student athletes in a university and divided them into two groups. The first group was asked to lift 110 percent of their lifting capacity for at least five minutes daily while listening to motivational music. While the second group did not do so.

But after three weeks, the athletes were back in the laboratory. Those who had practiced positive visualization had each increased their lifting capacity by at least 4.5 to 6.8 kilograms. The group that had not done so had only gained an average of 2.2 kilograms.

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