How one of the most dangerous spider bites unexpectedly made a schoolboy unable to walk


This spider generally looks like an insect.
Even the wound from his bite looks normal.
Its poison appears to have such an effect on humans that they are unable to even walk.

Even small insects can be dangerous. But what if the insect becomes so common and familiar that people say that its bite does not cause any harm. Something similar happened when an 11-year-old British child was bitten by a spider, but he and his family did not expect that his condition would become so bad that this incident would become a big news. The day after Christmas in Surrey, UK, a seemingly ordinary spider bit Matthew on the back of his leg and he soon reached the emergency ward of the hospital and his condition worsened.

Matthew’s mother Sarah herself is very shocked by this incident. He says that he had no idea that this would be such a dangerous thing. When Matthew complained of pain in his leg, considering it to be a simple wound, he applied normal medicine to prevent infection. But soon this small incident took the form of a serious accident.

The False Widow spider is considered one of the most dangerous spiders in the world. (Symbolic photo: Wikimedia Commons)

On December 27, the situation became such that Mathew was not able to support even his own weight. The surprising thing was that he did not even have any kind of fever. Yes, his legs started turning red and showing signs of cellulite. In such a situation, Matthew was immediately taken to the hospital.

Matthew was actually bitten by a spider named False Widow. This spider is said to be the most dangerous spider in Britain. This eight-legged spider named Steatoda nobilis is not commonly seen in UK homes. Still, there are reports of its being cut several times in the country.

The special thing is that this spider is very similar to the black widow spider in its color and shape, which is even more dangerous. Luckily Matthew did not become his victim. First, Mathew had to be given antibiotic injections in the hospital and then he had to undergo surgery to remove poison from the wound. The next day he was discharged from the hospital but had to take a lot of medicines.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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