How our ancestors used to hunt elephants, expert understood the whole story, unveiled the mystery

In a spectacular discovery, archaeologists from Tel Aviv University have discovered that ancient humans had a very close relationship with water sources, stone weapon making sites and elephant hunting. In the study, they have come to know how humans used to hunt elephants in that period and how the needs for this hunting were met.

About 2 million years ago in the Paleolithic era, our Homo Electus ancestors were heavily dependent on hunting to keep themselves alive and for hunting they needed weapons and for this they made stone tools and weapons with which they could To meet food and other needs.

In those times, elephant hunting was a big deal and hunting of one elephant used to solve the hunger problem of many people for several days. Studies at Paleolithic archaeological sites such as Israel’s Geshel Benot Ya’akov have shown that elephants were of great importance to the diet of prehistoric ancestors at that time.

In those times, hunting one elephant meant arranging food for many people at once. (Symbolic photo: Shutterstock)

In the new study, Dr. Meir Finkel and Professor Ran Barkai of Tel Aviv University found that the rock mines were not scattered separately at that time. Keeping in mind the three basic needs of ancient man – water, food and stones, it was found that these mines were located near water but they used to be in the same place where elephants used to pass. Because elephants used to need water and their routes also used to be fixed.

Ancient humans soon understood which routes elephants used to take. At the same time, once an elephant was hunted, it could not be eaten whole immediately. Nor can it be left at the site of killing. Researchers say that this is where being near a rock mine is important.

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The advantage of making weapons or tools near elephant paths was that they were able to get sharp tools quickly so that the task of distributing meat after hunting could be done immediately. The interesting thing is that they found this trend not in just one but in many such archaeological sites in Asia, Europe, and Africa. The situation was such that gradually the old elephant species started becoming extinct.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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