How to Control Your Weight with Hypothyroidism

The most common disease among women these days is thyroid disease. Due to thyroid, serious problems like stress, irritability, obesity start. Once a woman has thyroid, she may have to face other types of problems in the future. Thyroid disease can be the reason for increasing weight and obesity. Today we will know in detail what is thyroid disease? How is it linked to obesity?

Thyroid affects metabolism

It is present in the lower part of the thyroid gland. It looks like a butterfly. Due to this, T-3, T-4, TSH hormones are released. If the quantity of this hormone is more or less then we have to face many diseases. Thyroid affects many functions of the body including metabolic rate.

Hyper and Hypo Thyroidism Thyroid

Excessive and overactive thyroid is very dangerous for both the bodies. When the thyroid gland works rapidly, a lot of thyroid hormone is released from it. During this period the gland becomes very active. This is called hyperthyroidism. When it starts working slowly, less thyroid hormone is produced. This is called hypothyroidism. Thyroid disease is also called auto immune disease. When there is any problem in the function of the thyroid gland, it starts many problems. Due to this, obesity increases rapidly.

Hypothyroidism is linked to obesity

Obesity increases rapidly due to hypothyroidism hormones. It also reduces the metabolic rate of the body. Due to this, the person starts feeling weak from inside and he starts becoming lazy and lethargic. Day by day his physical activity also starts decreasing.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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