How To Get Pink Glow In Winter Season With Tomato Soup

How To Get Pink Glow In Winter Season With Tomato Soup

Healthy Skin With Tomatoes: Who doesn’t love rosy cheeks! We all want our skin to be healthy and have a natural pink blush on our cheeks. But there is a big difference between thinking and being so. However, if you wish, you can make your cheeks rosy this winter by adopting a completely natural method. That too with the help of tomatoes only. For this, you do not have to apply tomatoes on your cheeks, but you have to consume them. Consume tomatoes regularly with the method mentioned here and see the difference yourself…

How to get rosy cheeks?

  • Ripe red tomatoes are a storehouse of Vitamin-C. That’s why they are included in immunity booster foods. Because the nutrition which is most needed to stay healthy is Vitamin-C and this vitamin is found in abundance in tomatoes.
  • Apart from this, there are also nutrients like potassium, folate, lycopene inside tomatoes, which are most important for skin health. All these work to grow skin cells, protect them from damage and fast repair them.
  • When you consume these nutrients every day, your skin health improves very fast. If you don’t believe then just try eating red tomato every day for one month.

How to eat red tomatoes?

  • To make the skin healthy and to bring pink glow on the face, you do not have to eat tomatoes after making them a vegetable, but eat them in the form of salad or make juice and drink it.
  • You drink a glass of tomato juice every day. You can mix carrot and beetroot in it to enhance the taste.
  • Drink this juice every day in the afternoon. That is, when it is sunny at that time, one should avoid drinking it in the morning or late evening.
  • Try consuming tomatoes with this method for just one month, tremendous improvement will be seen in skin health.

Why is tomato special for women?

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  • About 70 percent of the vitamin-C that a woman’s body needs in a day can be met by drinking a glass of tomato juice. That means the way for you to stay healthy becomes easy.
  • When the level of Vitamin-C in your diet is high, then the absorption of collagen can be done easily. Collagen is that protein, which works to keep the skin cells healthy and keep the skin young. That is, by drinking tomato juice, the shine of your skin starts increasing naturally.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: If there is a problem of excessive gas formation in the stomach, then eat these fruits and vegetables in food, stay away from pulses and chapati.

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