How to get rid of smelly armpits? Follow these tips to know how to remove underarm odor

Monsoon has arrived, due to which sometimes it rains heavily and sometimes the humidity is unbearable and you sweat a lot. Due to this, sweat accumulates in the underarms and this place starts smelling bad. Because of this, many times people do not even like to sit near you and you have to feel embarrassed. Let us tell you such methods, by which you will get rid of the smell of underarms and you will always remain fresh and cheerful.

Cotton clothes will help a lot

Cotton clothes should always be worn during summer and monsoon. Actually, air easily passes through cotton clothes, due to which your skin remains in contact with air comfortably and you do not sweat. At the same time, cotton clothes also absorb sweat easily, whereas sweat does not dry in synthetic clothes and it starts stinking. Light colored and loose cotton clothes should always be worn during summer and monsoon, so that sweat will never stick to your underarms.

Using loofah also gives relief

While bathing, you can easily clean your underarms with the help of a loofah. It removes dead skin, which prevents unwanted odor. However, it is important to keep in mind that the loofah should also be cleaned thoroughly after use, otherwise there is a risk of infection due to the dead skin trapped in it.

Keeping your underarms clean will also solve this problem

Many people do not clean their underarms, due to which hair etc. remain there, which gets filled with dirt. In such a situation, the underarms should be shaved from time to time or they should be removed using hair remover cream. This prevents sweat from accumulating in the underarms.

Use of antiperspirant also gives relief

If you keep your underarms clean but are unable to get rid of the odor, you can also use antiperspirant. It works better than deodorant. Actually, deodorant only suppresses the odor, while antiperspirant does not cause sweating because it blocks the sweat glands.

Do not wear clothes immediately after bathing

Often there is so much hurry regarding work that women start wearing clothes immediately after bathing. Due to this the body is not able to become completely normal and sweat starts forming. After bathing, the body should be given some time to dry. Clothes should be worn only after this, so that the underarms will not remain wet and you will not have the problem of bad odor.

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