‘How to have a child, there is no money’, the couple earns Rs 1.5 crore, still does not want a child at home!

There was a time when people would have children as soon as they got married and they would also grow up slowly. However, nowadays, before starting a family, people consider whether their circumstances are such that they will be able to raise children or not. From one point of view, it is also right that they estimate in advance whether they will be able to give a good life to their children or not. However, the thinking of some people is beyond the understanding of common people.

Today we will tell you about one such married couple. The couple is not having children saying that it is too expensive for them. The surprising thing is that the couple together is earning more than Rs 1.5 crore. They say that they wish to live without children because they cannot afford to raise them.

Salary is Rs 1.5 crore, still can’t afford a child
According to the report of Daily Mail, Becky Quinn is 35 years old and her husband Xavier is 36 years old. This American couple earns Rs 1.66 crore every year but they say that they cannot afford children. They have taken this decision together because the cost of raising a child for 17 years is more than Rs 3 crore and they do not have that much money to spend. This couple living in California had initially thought of having children, but later changed their mind considering the expenses.

Also know the reasons for not having children…
Quinn couple says that they do not want children because they want to take the responsibility of parents and want to increase their earnings to Rs 7-8 crore by the age of 40. In such a situation, they cannot take the responsibility of the child. Like the Quinn couple, at present, due to the pressure of buying a house, paying off student loans and other financial reasons, people are running away from the responsibility of having children and the birth rate is continuously decreasing.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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