How To Improve Production Of Peanut Crop Or Scientific Farming Technique To Imporve Peanut Production

Groundnut Production: Efforts are being made to increase the production of oilseed crops in the country, so that the import of edible oils can be reduced and the country can be made self-sufficient in the production of edible oils. Mustard-rape cultivation is done on a large scale in Rabi season, but there is one crop which can be cultivated throughout the year and earn good money. We are talking about groundnut, which, if managed properly, can yield a very good production.

To increase the production of oil from groundnut, there should be more grains in it. For this, many farmers also use fertilizer, but this method is not correct. In fact, keeping the groundnut crop free from pests and diseases, keep supplying nutrients to it. Experts say that if gypsum is used in groundnut crop, then production can be increased up to 4 quintals per acre.

Benefits of Gypsum in Groundnut
According to the report of The Hindu, many farmers in Telangana have also used gypsum in the groundnut crop on the suggestion of agriculture officials in the past. Earlier, only 8 quintals of groundnut could be obtained from 1.3 acres of land. At the same time, after using gypsum, production started up to 12 quintals. Taking inspiration from each other, now farmers are increasing the production of groundnut with the help of gypsum.

Agriculture officials said that farmers spend Rs 15,000 to 20,000 for groundnut cultivation in one acre of land, earning Rs 40,000 to 50,000, but can earn Rs 12,000 to 20,000 more by using gypsum. Please tell that gypsum is used only when the groundnut crop is 40-45 days old.

These things have to be taken care of
For good yield from any crop, it is always advised to use neem cake during seed treatment and field preparation before sowing. Its biggest advantage is that soil deficiencies and diseases do not dominate the crop and there is no danger of insect attack due to the medicinal properties of neem.

This saves the cost of pesticides. This savings can be invested on the purchase of fertilizers. For example, for groundnut crop, apart from 250 grams of gypsum, 15 kg of nitrogen and 60 kg of phosphorus are also added to each hectare. This helps in increasing the quantity of oil and the number of grains in groundnut.

Do farming with these varieties
For bumper production from groundnut crop, well-improved variety seeds should be selected. Varieties that are disease resistant as well as temperature tolerant. in some advanced varieties
Girnar, GG 20, HNG 10, NNG 169, HNG 123, RG 425, RG 120 to 130, MA 10 125 to 130, M 548, 120 to 126, TG 37A 120 to 130, G 201, 110 to 120 Gaya, which gives good production in major groundnut producing Rajasthan and Gujarat.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is based only on some media reports and information. Before implementing any information, consult the concerned expert.

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