How To Keep Your Stomach Healthy During Wedding Season How To Improve Digestive System

Healthy Digestive System: The bride and groom and their parents should be left out, the rest of the people wait for the wedding season because there will be an outing on the pretext of marriage and different varieties of food will also be available. But if the stomach gets upset after taking a heavy diet for a time, then the fun of the party gets spoiled, doesn’t it? We do not want you to face such a situation. That’s why we have brought some special tips, by adopting which you can enjoy the wedding season fiercely and enjoy different cuisines…

What to do to improve digestion?

  • Talking about marriage and party, there is a discussion on keeping the digestion right, then it would be meaningless to say that eat carefully and what to eat and what not to eat. So let’s focus on those tips that will improve your digestion and prevent stomach upset…
  • Before going to a wedding or party, eat something light and go. Do not go completely empty stomach. By doing this, you will avoid eating a lot of food at one go and there will not be much pressure on the digestive system.
  • Keep a glass of green cardamom in your purse or pocket. You will get benefit by chewing green cardamom after eating food and there will be no flatulence and gas will also not be produced.
  • Do not sit for long after eating food in marriage or function. Rather take a light walk, meet people and talk. There is a lot of energy in all this and one also feels light.
  • The most fun in the wedding season is to eat different food items. During this, often those people who are following a diet also eat a little more. If you have also done this then do not take the load. Because if stress increases, the secretion of stress hormone will also increase and stress hormone increases bloating in the body.

What is the easiest way to keep the stomach right?

  • If you think that during the wedding season, the stomach gets upset only because of eating disorders, then you are not completely right. Because another major reason for stomach upset and slow digestion is lack of sleep.
  • No matter what and how much you have eaten, if you sleep on time and complete your sleep, then your stomach will digest everything. But it gets late to sleep in parties, so rest the next day and try to get enough sleep.
  • If you eat too much food, then eat green cardamom to give relief to the stomach and then drink lukewarm water after half an hour. This water will help in improving your Digestive Fire and the food will be digested easily.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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