How To Know The Nutrition Deficiency With Daily Life Health Issues Tiredness Hair Fall Frequent Hunger

Summer Health Issues: Just as eating more than hunger is harmful for the body, similarly eating less also harms the body. However, eating less does not only mean that you are eating less than you are hungry. Rather it also means that whatever food you are eating, it does not have the right amount of nutrition. That means your stomach is getting full, your hunger is disappearing but the body is not getting complete nutrition. When this happens, there are many problems in the body and these problems are also symptoms of not getting complete nutrition. If you are also seeing these symptoms in yourself, then you need to pay attention to your diet.

5 Signs of Nutritional Deficiency

  • you feel tired all the time
  • you feel hungry all the time
  • you don’t sleep well
  • you lose a lot of hair
  • your mood is bad i.e. you get angry easily

Why does this happen?

  • When complete nutrition does not reach your body, then there are fluctuations in hormones. This happens so that the calories required by the body can be arranged. Because of this, you feel hungry again and again.
  • Due to lack of proper nutrition in the body, the hair does not get the right amount of proteins, minerals and vitamins. Because of this the hair becomes weak and starts falling fast.
  • When the body does not get complete nutrition, it does not get proper deep sleep, but all the time the body remains broken and feels sleepy.
  • When the body does not get the required amount of calories for a long time and the eating pattern is disturbed, there is a problem of mood swings and anger or irritability increases.

How to handle the situation?

  • If you are seeing all these symptoms inside you, then by now you have understood what you have to do… that is, you have to change your diet in the right direction and include more healthy things in your diet.
  • You should eat porridge, oats, poha, dry fruits, sweet porridge, etc. in breakfast.
  • Around 11 o’clock you drink coconut water or take lassi or take buttermilk.
  • Take lunch around 1.30 pm and eat dal-chapati-vegetables etc. in it.
  • Eat a bowl of curd or eat salad or eat fruits between 3:30 to 4 pm.
  • Eat vegetable-chapati-pickle-chutney etc in dinner. Do not have dinner late in the night, rather eat at least 2 hours before going to bed and take a light walk after 1 hour.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

Read also: You are getting fat even without eating sugar and oily food… Is this the reason for your protruding belly, be alert

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