How To Lose Your Weight Fast In Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Or Pcos With Yoga And Pranayam

PCOS and Weight control: PCOS, whose full name is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), is a problem in which women develop small lumps on the outer edges of the ovaries. This increases the size of the ovary, which increases many hormonal problems in the body. What is the main reason for having PCOS, nothing can be said for sure about it yet. But there are definitely some factors related to daily life, due to which this disease surrounds women. These include reasons like not eating healthy foods, waking up late at night and not being physically active.

In the last few years, the cases of this disease have increased very rapidly among young women. Young girls from teenagers to 25-26 years are suffering from this disease. Due to PCOS, women have to face some such problems, which have a very bad effect on their physical health as well as mental health. So first of all know that what are the symptoms seen in the body due to PCOS…

Problems caused by PCOS and its symptoms

  • Most of the women suffering from this problem have Hirsutism problem. That is, the growth of hair on their body starts increasing very much. That’s why some women have the problem of growing hair on the face, long and thick hair on the hands and feet.
  • Another major symptom of PCOS is mood swings. Mood related problems are very high in these women and usually people consider them to be irritable or angry, whereas in reality it is not so.
  • There are problems related to periods. Either the periods do not happen regularly or the bleeding is very high or a little bleeding continues for several days.
  • There is a problem in pregnancy.
  • Obesity starts increasing.
  • freckles on face
  • There is a very bad effect on mental health, due to which many problems like stress, sleeplessness, lack of interest in any work, becoming too emotional, memory problems are included.

Three important things about PCOS

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  • You can manage this disease completely and you will not need to take pills regularly.
  • Women whose weight increases due to PCOS, if they control their weight, then their chances of normal pregnancy increase up to 90 percent.
  • For weight loss in PCOS, doing yoga, pranayama, meditation and walking is more beneficial than exercise.

Why is yoga better than exercise?

  • In the problem of PCOS, Yoga is more effective than exercise for weight loss. This is because due to too fast exercise, too much exercise or Rigorous Exercise, the stress on the body and brain increases many times, due to which the cortisol level inside the body starts increasing. Cortisol is a negative hormone which can make the condition of PCOS serious.
  • The effect of doing yoga, pranayama, meditation is not only on balancing hormones, but they also show quick effect in improving mental health. And during PCOS, if the physical health and mental health of women are worked together, then the weight is controlled faster.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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