How to make chhena easy tips to make it at home


Chhena is widely used in making Bengali sweets.
You can prepare Chhena at home too by following a very easy method.

How to make chenna: Before any festival, the demand for chhena increases a lot in the market. Chhena is used in making many famous sweets. Chhena is also used in sweets prepared at home during Holi festival. Usually people buy readymade Chhena available in the market, but there is no guarantee of its quality and purity. If you are worried about the purity of sweets along with making them, then this time prepare Chhaina at home. With this, not only will you get better taste of Chhena, but its purity will also be completely guaranteed.
Chhena is specially used in Bengali sweets. Then whether it is about famous Rasgulla or Sandesh or Chamcham. If you also want to relish these sweets at home and want to make Chhena for it, then our mentioned method can be very useful for you.

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Ingredients to make Chhena
Milk – 6-7 cups
Lemon juice – 2 tsp

How to make Chhena
If you want to prepare chhena at home for making sweets, then for this first take a deep bottomed nonstick pan and put milk in it and keep it on medium flame to heat. Milk will get hot in 3-4 minutes and it will start boiling. When it comes to a boil, turn off the gas and let it cool for some time. When the milk remains lukewarm, slowly add lemon juice to it and keep stirring the milk with the help of a spoon.

After some time the milk will start curdling. When the water starts to separate completely from the milk, take a clean wet muslin cloth and filter the water by adding chenna to it. After draining the water, fold the muslin cloth from all the four corners and then stir it slowly, this will remove the remaining water completely. After this, keep the muslin cloth with Chhena in a bowl of fresh water and wash it 2 to 3 times.

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After following this process, tie it to a high place and hang it to remove excess water from Chhena. Open the bundle after the fixed time. Tasty and pure chhena is ready for Holi sweets.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Holly, Lifestyle, Tips and Tricks

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