How to make gulab jamun holi 2023 special food easy to make at home


Sweet Gulab Jamun is a traditional Indian sweet dish.
Everyone likes the taste of Gulab Jamun from children to elders.

Gulab Jamun Recipe: The sweetness of traditional Gulab Jamun helps in strengthening the relationships differently on the festival of colors Holi. No festival is celebrated here without sweets. If we talk about Holi, then people dancing in red and pink colors, be it our own or strangers, increase the happiness of this festival manifold. It is a part of tradition to sweeten the mouth of loved ones on such a special occasion. In this episode, today we will tell you how to make traditional Gulab Jamun. Gulab Jamun is such a sweet dish which is eaten by everyone from children to old people with great fervor.
If you also want to prepare Gulab Jamun at home on this Holi, then you can make it very easily with the help of our mentioned recipe. Everyone will not be able to live without praising your culinary art after eating homemade Gulab Jamun. Let’s know the simple recipe for making Gulab Jamun.

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Ingredients to make Gulab Jamun
Flour – 1 cup
Grated Mawa (khoya) – 2 cups
Cardamom powder – 1/2 tsp
Saffron – 1 pinch
Baking soda – half a pinch
Ghee/Oil – for frying
Sugar – 2 cups (as per taste)

Gulab Jamun Recipe
To make Gulab Jamun, first start preparing the sugar syrup. For this, put sugar and water in a utensil and put it on the gas on medium flame. When the water starts boiling, mix cardamom powder as well. Add saffron threads for some time. When the sugar syrup is being made, increase the flame of the gas. It will take about 15 minutes to prepare sugar syrup for Gulab Jamun. After the sugar syrup is ready, turn off the gas.

Now tighten the mawa in another and put refined flour and baking soda in it. Now mix all the ingredients well and knead the dough. If water is required for kneading the dough, then use milk instead of water. After kneading the dough, make Gulab Jamun balls from the prepared dough and keep them separately in a plate. To make them, first apply some ghee on your hands.

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Now put ghee in a pan and heat it on medium flame. After melting the ghee, put the pre-prepared Gulab Jamuns in the pan and deep fry them. When the Gulab Jamuns turn light golden, take them out and leave them in the prepared sugar syrup. Before this, heat the sugar syrup lightly again. Dip the Gulab Jamuns in the sugar syrup for at least 1 hour so that they absorb the sugar syrup properly. Now your tasty Gulab Jamuns are ready to serve.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Holly, Lifestyle

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