how to prevent cold in summer read full article in hindi

There is severe heat in North India. These days people are in a bad condition due to heat wave. People are often complaining of dizziness and weakness. Due to this severe heat, people are becoming victims of dehydration. Heat wave is going on but even in this season people are very much troubled by cold and cough. In such a situation, the question arises that how to avoid this disease?

Causes of cold and cough in summer

In summers, people are often careless about their eating habits. During this time, immunity becomes weak. Due to weak immunity, people often fall prey to infections. In this season, one should eat food that is rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C. Eating this improves immunity. Cold is a problem due to heat.

According to doctors, take special care of cleanliness during cold and cough. If you do not take care of cleanliness, you may have complaints of allergies.

Nowadays people stay in the office continuously. A person stays in AC continuously and then when he comes out in the sun, the body temperature suddenly goes up and down. In such a situation, cold-heat and summer can cause cold. In summer, there is a risk of infection due to cold-cough. These viruses start spreading during the air.

Due to cold and flu, people’s immunity becomes weak. Due to this, people start complaining of frequent cough, sore throat and headache.

Tips to prevent cold and cough in summer

Take special care of cleanliness in summer because if you keep your hands clean with soap, cold and cough will remain under control.

Take special care of cleanliness while going out in crowded places. Because if such viruses enter the body then it is harmful for the body.

In extreme heat, it is most important to keep the body hydrated. Eat food and fruits that are rich in minerals and vitamins. This keeps the immunity strong. If you drink a lot of water, then drink it by adding lemon to it. Drink coconut water and lassi.

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