How To Prevent High Cholesterol PCOS And Thyroid Like Disease With Natural Foods

How To Prevent Severe Diseases: After eating food, if something is eaten, which helps in digestion. So gas is also not produced and the stomach also remains flat. These are the things related to fitness and business. But if digestion is always good then 90% diseases will never happen to you. If we talk about serious diseases such as high cholesterol or PCOS in women, due to which there are pregnancy issues and the level of hormones is also disturbed, these diseases are also being mentioned here. Stay away from eating seed mix..

Not only this, if sugar patients consume this seed mix every day, it helps in controlling blood sugar and obesity also does not increase. This seed mix is ​​called Mukhwasa in the language of Ayurveda. Means a mixture of such seeds which is kept in the mouth for a long time and chewed slowly. Learn about the method of making this mix, the method of eating and its benefits here.

How to make seed mix?

  • between pumpkins
  • black sesame
  • Fennel
  • flax seeds
  • rock salt
  • Take all the seeds mentioned here in equal quantity.
  • Roast all of them separately i.e. without using ghee and oil, roast them on a low flame like this in the utensil.
  • While roasting linseed seeds, mix rock salt in them according to quantity and taste.
  • When it cools down, mix all these seeds together in a big utensil and store them in a glass jar.

When and how to eat seed mix?

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  • You have to consume one spoon of this seed mix thrice a day.
  • Eating it every time after eating food will be beneficial.
  • You can eat two to three spoons of this seed mix even during snack time.
  • Three to four spoons of it can be consumed to calm small hunger and cravings.
  • Whenever there is a desire to eat sweet and you want to avoid sweet, then eat it, sweet craving will also be calm and you will avoid taking extra calories.

benefits of eating these seeds

  • The first benefit is that digestion remains correct.
  • Sugar Label Keeps Balance
  • Cravings are not very strong
  • The stomach remains full, it does not cause hunger again and again
  • maintains cholesterol
  • Eating these keeps blood pressure right
  • Regulates if women have problems related to periods cycle
  • Helpful in maintaining hormonal balance
  • Gives benefits in thyroid problem
  • Helps in keeping hair and skin healthy.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: From cholesterol to sugar… these leaves alone control many diseases, just keep using them like this

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