How To Protect Eye From Summer Heat Know The Prevention Tips

How To Protect Eye From Summer Heat: The scorching heat continues to wreak havoc. The sun like a rock is becoming unbearable. Heat wave is going on in many cities. In such a situation, along with the health of the body, hair and skin, the health of your eyes can also be affected. Direct exposure to sunlight can damage your eyes. There can be infection. There can be a problem of dryness. Not only this, due to strong sunlight, eyesight can also be affected. Due to the adverse effect on the retina, the eyes gradually become weak. In the summer season, if you also want to protect your eyes from problems caused by sunlight and heat wave, then we are giving you some tips, with the help of which you can protect your eyes. Let us know in detail about.

wearing sunglasses Harmful rays emanating from the sun can be dangerous for your eyes. Especially in the time between 9:00 am to 4:00 pm, there is strong sunlight. If you go out anytime during this time, use sunglasses. Sunglasses are specially designed for protection from UV rays. By applying sunglasses before going out in the sun, you can avoid diseases like cataract.

Avoid drying of eyes- In summer, the effect of heatwave not only affects the body and mind but also affects the eyes. Due to the outbreak of hot air, the eyes can become dry and if you already have problems in the eyes, then you have to protect the eyes from dryness. For this, you should sleep, due to not getting enough sleep, dryness in the eyes also increases, apart from this, you can also use eye drops on the advice of the doctor, if you go to office after traveling in the sun and for a long time. Till then you have to work on the screen, even then the problem of dryness in the eyes increases. In such a situation, take a break from the screen from time to time.

splash cold water In summer you may feel burning sensation in the eyes. In such a situation, splash cold water on the eyes again and again. You can also use ice packs to give rest to the eyes during work. Cold water or an ice pack helps draw heat out of the eyes and make you feel better.

Keep the right diet and hydrate- To protect the eyes in summer, drink a lot of water. This will keep the body hydrated and there will be no problem in the eyes. Apart from this, to keep the eyes healthy during the summer season, take a diet rich in nutrients. There should be plenty of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and minerals in your diet, you can include milk curd, cheese, seasonal fruits, green vegetables in your diet.

Disclaimer: Before following the methods, methods and suggestions mentioned in this article, do take the advice of a doctor or a related expert.

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