How To Recognize Skin Cancer Types Symptoms Treatment Protection Health News

Skin Cancer: Many diseases are such that after getting them we do not feel that we have been suffering from them. Are going well. That is the common routine. But if you go for a checkup just like that, then the disease comes out in the test. One such disease is cancer, which is a bit difficult to detect at the first stage, because in the initial time you do not see any such symptom, and even if it is coming, then we ignore it considering it a small problem. Let’s do it. Here we are going to talk about skin cancer, which is a type of cancer. Skin cancer is a skin-related disease, which if not treated properly, can have dire consequences.

Here we will tell you about those symptoms, by identifying which you will be able to cure skin cancer by taking treatment in the beginning itself. Melanoma of the skin is especially commonly seen in northern and southern parts of Europe, North America and Australia. Melanoma is a form of skin cancer. There are two main types of skin cancer – non-melanoma skin cancer and malignant melanoma. The cases of both these types of skin cancer are increasing. The World Health Organization (WHO) Global Cancer Observatory has predicted a global increase in skin cancer cases between 2020-2040.

Are skin cancer cases increasing due to global warming?

It is difficult to say that global warming is the reason for increasing skin cancer cases. However, researchers suggest that global warming may also be the reason for the increase in cases. In October 2021, an editorial in the Lancet Science Journal said that due to climate change, cases of skin cancer and melanoma can be considered to be increasing due to ultraviolet rays.

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Does skin color change in skin cancer?

People with pale skin, blue eyes and red or blond hair are more prone to skin cancer. People with such a complexion can usually tolerate the bright light and heat of the sun without getting sunburnt. However, there is a lot of potential for increasing the risk of skin cancer. Most cases of skin cancer have been seen in Australia and New Zealand. Both countries have large populations of white people. Skin cancer is relatively rare in Africa and Asia. But figures from the Global Cancer Observatory show that African countries could see a 96 percent increase in new cases by 2040 compared to 2022. The same period can see an increase of 59 percent in Asia and 67 percent in Latin America and the Caribbean.

What are the causes of skin cancer?

Skin cancer is very common in elderly people. But its danger has also been seen in young people. Sometimes the skin gets damaged at an early age. Or you may also have a family history of skin cancer. Apart from this, tanning easily in the sun, having multiple moles or freckles on your body, a history of severe sunburn etc. can also be the reasons for this.

How can you spot skin cancer?

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says there’s an easy way to remember the warning signs—the ABCD-Es of melanoma.

asymmetrical: Does the mole or spot appear irregularly shaped on the body with two parts and both look very different?

border: Is the border irregular or rough?

Colour: Is the color uneven?

diameter: Is the mole or spot bigger than the size of a pea?

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