how walking can benefit your mental health read full article in hindi

We are aware of the fact that walking is very beneficial for health. But do you know what effect walking has on the brain? In today’s fast-paced life, people are becoming victims of stress and depression. To get rid of this problem, a 10-minute walk every day is very important. Let’s know how walking reduces stress?

What is the connection between walking and mental health?

Many researches have shown that if you walk briskly for even 10 minutes, happy hormones start getting released in your body. This makes the mood positive. In such a situation, the body should be kept active regularly. So that stress and depression gradually reduce. By doing exercises like walking, blood circulation in the muscles and brain increases. Due to which one feels energetic throughout the day.

Where and when to walk?

Do go out of the house for a walk. When you go out of the house, do climb up and down the stairs. During this time, you can also walk on the roof of the house. However, walking outside the house is more beneficial for your body. The mind is calm and relaxed. Walking in the open keeps mental stress and trauma at bay. There is no fixed time for walking. Whenever you get time, you can walk comfortably.

Benefits of walking in stress

There is less stress

If you have anxiety problems, you must go for a walk so that your stress gradually reduces. Walking gives peace to the mind and also reduces depression.

Overthinking is reduced

If you have a problem of overthinking, then definitely go for a walk. Whenever you feel that you are thinking too much, you should immediately go for a walk.

Sleep is good

Due to stress and depression, sleep gets disturbed a lot. In such a situation, walking makes the body feel tired and helps in getting better sleep.

Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.

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