How will burnt Indians be identified in Kuwait? Know what that test is

Kuwait is in the news these days due to a fire in a building in Mangaf. In this building 40 Including Indians 49 Laborers were working, who died in this accident. Some bodies have been burnt so badly that it is difficult to even identify them. The question then arises that how will these bodies be identified?

How will the workers burnt in Kuwait building be identified?

The bodies of some of the Indians burnt in the building in Kuwait have been burnt in such a way that it is difficult to even identify them , Due to which these bodies will now be identified through DNA test. DNA means deoxyribonucleic acid . It is found in animals ranging from humans to animals, which gives accurate information about our ancestors or lineage. Its structure is ladder-like. Like every motherFathers’ DNA is not the same, Rather, the DNA of the child is formed by the combination of the parents, which is different for every person but his motherMatches father.

How do we know whose DNA it is?

DNA matches a person’s parents to reveal . This also determines which family the person belongs to. Now the question arises that how are samples taken for this? So let us tell you that samples for DNA are taken in many ways, blood, spit, saliva, teeth, hair, Bones, Nail and urine samples are included in this test

Now if we talk about the workers in the burnt building in Kuwait, only the bones of some of the workers who died in the burning building are left . Now samples of workers can be taken from them.  Experts separate samples for testingseparate, investigate them and then provide full details in the report prepared. This test may take one to two weeks.

DNA test was also done in Rajiv Gandhi’s murder

There are many cases which have been solved through DNA test. Whether it was the murder of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi or the murder of Beant Singh, DNA tests were used in these cases too. . Apart from this, DNA tests were also used in cases like Naina Sahni. Apart from this, there have been many cases which have been solved through DNA tests.

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