Humans became modern not because of horses but because of donkeys, if you don’t believe then turn these pages of history yourself.

The name of donkey is usually taken in a wrong manner and for the purpose of mockery in Pakistan and some other countries. These animals are known for carrying burdens, stubbornness and walking on difficult paths, but recently archaeologists have found a clue in which it has been found that donkeys were the reason for humans becoming modern. p class="p1" style="text-align: justify;">How did humans become modern from donkeys?

In a village 280 kilometers east of the French capital Paris, archaeologists have found a clue that can change our thinking about donkeys.

In a Roman-era house in the village of Bonneville-en-Vivoir, archaeologists have discovered the remains of several donkeys that were much larger than today’s donkeys. These were donkeys of very large size, says Ludovic Orlando, director of the Center for Anthropological and Genomic Studies at the Porphy School of Medicine in Toulouse, France. A breed genetically related to African donkeys and in some cases larger than horses. Research has revealed that donkeys used to be wild earlier, which were domesticated by farmers and then gradually this animal was domesticated.

How did donkeys change people’s lives?

After domestication, donkeys were also used to carry goods. After which he started bringing changes in human life. According to researchers, horses were domesticated by humans 4,200 years ago, but donkeys were used even longer. Although donkeys are not used much in developed countries, developing countries still use donkeys for transportation and travel. People started earning with the help of donkeys, which changed their lifestyle and they became modern.

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