‘I have been coming to the office for 20 years, no one gives me any work’, woman files case against the company, the matter is strange!

You must have heard a lot about equality and financial independence. Are these things as they appear? Is it enough to just reach the office and get the salary? This question has arisen because a woman living in France claims that she is not given any work in the office due to her health reasons.

People get fed up of working and on the other hand a woman has this problem that she goes to the office every day but no one gives her any work. This is not happening for one or two months but has been going on for the last 20 years. Finally, fed up, the woman has filed a case against the company.

‘I have been coming to the office for 20 years but I don’t get any work’
A woman named Laurence Van Wassenhove claims that she works in a government job and was recruited in France Telecom in 1993. The woman had suffered partial paralysis of her hands and face and was a congenital epileptic. In such a situation, she was given work considering her condition. Everything went well till 2002, but when she took a transfer to another office, the situation changed. By then, France Telecom was taken over by a company named Orange, which did not give the woman a position according to her problems. However, she has been getting her salary on time for the last 20 years.

the matter reached the court
The woman tried to convey her matter to the higher authority, but to no avail. In such a situation, she filed a case against the company. The woman’s lawyer says that the company is choosing to pay her salary without work instead of giving her work. The woman claims that in this way she is being forced to leave the job. She has accused the company of moral malpractice and discrimination at the workplace. At the same time, the company says that they provide an excellent work culture for women.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Viral news, Weird news

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