Ice cream is made from human breast milk in London know how much it costs

Mother’s milk is most important for any newborn baby. Because the newborn gets a lot of nutrients through mother’s milk. But can you ever imagine that mother’s breast milk will be sold in the market or ice cream made from breast milk will be sold in the market. Yes, today we will tell you at which places ice cream made from human breast milk is being sold.

Breast milk?

Breast milk is being sold in many countries today. However, breast milk cannot be purchased in India. Because the Indian government does not allow anyone to sell breast milk for profit, no one can buy or sell breast milk in India. Last year, the government canceled the license of a dairy company that was selling breast milk at high prices. However, there is a system to donate breast milk for pre-mature babies or for other circumstances.

Let us tell you that many organizations are providing breast milk to those children who are not getting breast milk without any profit. In such a situation, donated breast milk can be asked for if needed, but selling it is a crime. No one can do this under the FSS Act 2006.

Breast milk ice cream?

People are shocked to hear about ice cream made from breast milk. Let us tell you that in the year 2011, there was a lot of discussion about breast milk ice cream and there was also a controversy about it. Actually, at that time an ice cream parlor in London claimed to sell ice cream made from breast milk. That ice cream was made from breast milk instead of dairy milk. This ice cream was named Baby Gaga.

According to the information, there was a lot of controversy regarding this ice cream, but the logic behind it was that if adults realize how delicious breast milk is, then new mothers can be encouraged to breastfeed, which is good for women.

animal milk ice cream

Let us tell you that today many different companies around the world are making ice cream from animal milk. Recently, a claim was also made on social media about ice cream made from mare’s milk.

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